
At Actual our inspiration comes from all around us; from science to nature, from design to engineering, from tomorrow and yesterday.
— Andy Davey, Founder Actual
Surface tension. ten30 inspiration from nature. image: Tanguy Sauvin

Surface tension. ten30 inspiration from nature. image: Tanguy Sauvin

Cable tension. ten30 inspiration from architecture and engineeering. Image: Osman Rana

Cable tension. ten30 inspiration from architecture and engineeering. Image: Osman Rana

Structural organism. GEO900 inspiration from architecture. Image: Agnieszka Kowalczyk

Structural organism. GEO900 inspiration from architecture. Image: Agnieszka Kowalczyk

Architecture and astronomy. Actualthing inspiration. Image: AA

Architecture and astronomy. Actualthing inspiration. Image: AA

Mathematical regularity. GEO900 inspiration. Image Timj

Mathematical regularity. GEO900 inspiration. Image Timj

Structural shadows. GEO900 British Library inspiration. Image: Grant Richie

Structural shadows. GEO900 British Library inspiration. Image: Grant Richie

Repeat pattern. Actual Bullring inspiration. Image: Grant Richie

Repeat pattern. Actual Bullring inspiration. Image: Grant Richie


For more inspiring images and video’s please follow Actualthing using the social platform buttons below, particularly Instagram, which will be updated regularly with news, events, experiences and of course announcements and launches.